World Actuality Mon, 06 May 2024 09:55:08 +0000 en-gb (wa) Forgetfulness as a strategy for intelligent decision-making If you are a fan of action movies, the ones starring Matt Damon (Jason Bourne) are probably some of your favorites.  Have you ever wondered how is it possible for him to speak so many languages, defend himself in fierce battles, and withstand every possible situation without even knowing his true identity?  Turns out that erasing irrelevant or unimportant data from the brain might be a good strategy, helping to learn new things and making better, more intelligent decisions.

Forgetfulness as a strategy for intelligent decision-making Fri, 14 Jun 2019 14:07:03 +0000
I Never Knew Being Lazy Could Do This To My Brain! This Changes Everything First of all, even though adults are not encouraged to take a nap in the afternoon, it turns out that napping is extremely beneficial for health. In the same manner, being slow and lounging around is believed to a flaw, but it is far from it.

I Never Knew Being Lazy Could Do This To My Brain! This Changes Everything Mon, 12 Jun 2017 14:08:22 +0000
Ne discutez pas de sujets privés en face de de votre Smart TV. Voici pourquoi Ces appareils sont équipés de la reconnaissance vocale qui vous permet de dire une commande à votre téléviseur que le téléviseur suit. Puisque le téléviseur écoute constamment les commandes, il décroche et enregistre tout ce que vous dites. Certaines personnes comparent la politique de Samsung à quelque chose de 1984 de George Orwell.

Ne discutez pas de sujets privés en face de de votre Smart TV. Voici pourquoi Wed, 07 Mar 2018 15:57:21 +0000
Scientists Discover Plants Have "Brains" That Determine When They Grow In that time, plants have evolved some incredible traits, and as a new study led by the University of Birmingham reveals, a “brain” may also be one of them. Not one in the same sense that animals have, mind you, but a series of cells acting as a command center of sorts.

Scientists Discover Plants Have "Brains" That Determine When They Grow Sat, 10 Jun 2017 11:05:22 +0000