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In the list of issues oh existential which blight the lives of our dressing room, that sweater pilling occupies unquestionably the head. Yet it is with tricks worthy of those dished out by our ancestors we can address them. Passage razor, use scraper or stroke scissors: Overview of those little lifesaving.

Remove pilling brush with adhesive or tape: Roll the brush on the sweater or wrap your finger with a piece of tape, sticky side out, and remove pilling by buffing.

Remove pilling with a lice comb: The specialist cashmere sweaters advise lice comb with teeth clenched to remove pilling.
Gently pull the garment, sweater or coating of the sofa so that it is flat, then gently roll over the lice comb.

Remove pilling with a razor: Enter a piece of clothing, sweater or coating of the sofa so many tender and then pass the manual razor (the three blades, for example, is highly effective) gently but firmly up and down the surface sweater, trousers or any garment. Prefer a razor blade to waste: it will be less dangerous to the fabric.
3 techniques to get rid of pilling on sweaters
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