Indonesian Women and Tour De Java II: There is no physical reason to constrain women to cycle by either distance or number of stages that of the men’s.
- Wednesday, 13 December 2017
News Around The Globe
Indonesian Women and Tour De Java II: There is no physical reason to constrain women to cycle by either distance or number of stages that of the men’s.
Heavy monsoon rains of historic proportions have slammed Nepal, Bangladesh, and India for weeks, leading to what international rescue and aid organizations say is the worst flooding in decades.
Un décret paru vendredi dernier au Journal officiel prévoit qu’à partir du 1er juillet, les automobilistes qui n’auront pas collé leur pastille Crit’Air sur leur pare-brise seront verbalisés.
The prototype is already up and running, and though the flying car is meant for over-water operation now, Kitty Hawk hopes to expand its use over time.